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The Co-TREX Patient Committee

The Co-TREx, or COmmitee Translational Research Executive Group, is a mixed working group composed of physicians, researchers, patients, and caregivers. This group has actively contributed to the co-construction of the CARPEM3 program, particularly in our IRP3 project, “Implementation of a program involving patients and their caregivers to enhance their participation in translational research programs.” The Co-TREx has both a consultative role (addressing ethical issues, health democracy, etc.) and an operational role in research projects (facilitating patient engagement in the C-MOT).

Through the creation of this working group, the CARPEM3 program provides a unique opportunity to further our collective goal of advancing health democracy and encouraging the involvement of patients, their families, and the general public in translational cancer research. This is achieved by offering the necessary resources to implement this essential partnership.