Séminaire MENSUEL sur L’IA du CARPEM le 20 juin 2024 à 10 heures
Le CARPEM a le plaisir de vous convier au séminaire mensuel du CARPEM sur l’IA le 20 juin 2024 à 10 heures au Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers.
Nous accueillerons Jong-Ho Jhee et Adrien Coulet (Inria Paris, équipe HeKA).
Title: « Representation and comparison of chemotherapy protocols with ChemoKG and graph embeddings »
Abstract : We propose ChemoKG, a knowledge graph for chemotherapy protocols that describe administration programs including drugs, dosages, treatment durations, but also drug hierarchies and chemical properties that help to better identify similar chemotherapy protocols. We tested on ChemoKG various graph embedding methods, including a novel one that employs graph neural networks (GNNs) to compare nodes in the graph that represent protocols. Unlike previous approaches that focus on triple-based embeddings, the proposed method captures subgraph structures inherited from the aggregation scheme in GNNs. We clustered protocol embeddings learned on ChemoKG, to group similar protocols and illustrate how this facilitates the comparison of chemotherapy, while considering various sources of knowledge and should facilitate the evaluation of their relative effectiveness.