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Back to the Mayo Clinic – Paris Descartes – CARPEM symposium

This first edition, dedicated to digestive oncology, was organized by Pr Gérard Friedlander, Pr Pierre Laurent-Puig and Pr Jessica Zucman-Rossi, on November 15, 2018 at the Cordeliers Research Center in Paris, in partnership with the Paris Descartes faculty of Medicine, the Mayo Clinic and the CARPEM.

The quality of the scientific presentations and discussions between the participants (speakers and audience) made this symposium a real success.

During this day, world-class researchers came to present their research. This day was focused on Digestive Oncology and was followed by a second day during which working groups were formed to discuss about future collaborations for research projects as well as exchange partnership programs between the various protagonists.

Here are some pictures of the day: